Silba saegeri
Description. Male : Head : Eyes bare. Frons 0.6x width of an eye, subshining black with short frontal and
interfrontal setulae which are not more than 0.25x length of orbital setae. Orbital plate bare apart from the orbital
setae. Lunule with brownish ground colour, slight silver dusting as have face and parafacials. Anterior genal
setulae short, in a single row of 3–4 along the mouth margin. Antennae; 1st flagellomere black apart from a hint of
orange-brown at extreme medial base, length to depth ratio 3.2:1. Arista plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum
extent to depth of 1st flagellomere 1:1.
Thorax: mesonotum and pleura subshining black. Anepisternum with 2 strong anterior setae and 3 strong
posterior setae Katepisternum with 2 setae, anterior slightly weaker and situated slightly more ventrally than
posterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum on margin between lateral and apical setae
with 4–5 setulae, none between the apical setae. Calypteres whitish with a white fringe. Wings clear, wing length
3.5mm. Legs black but with all basal tarsomeres yellow,
Male terminalia (Figs. 19–20): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type.
Phallus: basal plate, in ventral view forceps-shaped, widening only slightly for basal two thirds then slightly
constricted towards apex, apical incision long stretching almost half length of basal plate, a relatively broad
apically, basally more of a narrow slot. In lateral view apices expanded and laterally flattened, resembling paddles.
Basiphallus rather broad, bearing numerous spicules.