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Genus and species information.
Silba lubumbashi MacGowan, 2015
Tribe: LonchaeinaeGenus: Silba
Description. Male : Head : Eyes bare. Frons subshining black, dulled by fine microsculpture, with vet short frontal
and interfrontal setulae, 0.6x the width of an eye. Lunule silver pollinose, parafacials slightly pollinose as is are
lateral margins of face. Orbital plate bare. Anterior genal setulae forming a single row of 4 anteriorly, these slightly
separated from the other setulae on the genae. Antennae; 1st flagellomere length to depth ratio 3.2:1, medial
surface orange yellow basally, this colouration extending along the ventral surface for the basal third of the
flagellomere. Arista with plumosity which at its maximum extent is approximately the depth of the 1st flagellomere.
Thorax: mesonotum shining black contrasting with the silver grey dusting on the scutellar disc. Pleura sub-shining
black, anepisternum with 3 strong setulae posteriorly and 2 anteriorly. Katepisternum with 2 strong setae on dorsal
margin, posterior much stronger and longer than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta.
Scutellum with disc slightly grey dusted, on margin apical setae missing, 2 setulae on the right side between lateral
and apical setae, none on left (possibly due to damage). Calypteres white with a whitish fringe. Legs black apart
from all basal tarsomeres which are yellow apical tarsomeres slightly darker. Wings clear, wing length, 3.5mm
Male terminalia (Figs. 15–16): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type.
Phallus in lateral view a rather open U-shape, basally with only a few small spicules, basal plate thin, almost
transparent, as long as phallus, in ventral view diamond-shaped, widening on apical third to form a sharp lateral
point, often with serrated margin, towards