Silba garamba
Description. Male : Head : Eyes bare. Frons 0.5x width of an eye, mainly shining black with slight microsculpture,
frontal and interfrontal setulae approximately 0.3x as long as the orbital setae, orbital plate bare and shining.
Lunule intensely silvered, face and parafacials slightly silver pollinose. A group of four anterior genal setulae
slightly separated from other setulae on the genae, none particularly strong. Antennae; entirely black , 1st
flagellomere length to depth ratio 3.5:1. Arista, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1st flagellomere,
Thorax; Mesonotum shining black. Anepisternum with 2 anterior and 3 posterior setae, Katepisternum with 2
setae, posterior slightly stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with 1 seta. Scutellum rather
heavily grey dusted, on margin between lateral and apical setae with four short setulae, none between apical setae.
Calypteres whitish with a rather dense, long whitish fringe. Wings clear, wing length 3.5mm. Legs black with basal
and second tarsomeres brownish yellow.
Male terminalia (Figs. 9–10): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type.
Phallus: Basal plate, in ventral view very long and narrow, almost parallel sided, widening abruptly at apex and
forming two pointed apical processes divided by a relatively wide U-shaped incision, the entire basal plate
resembling the shape of a spanner. In lateral view basal plate extending further than the phallus, apex slightly
expanded. Basiphallus of normal size, a few spicules at base of distiphallus.