Silba boulangi
Description. Male: Head: Eyes bare. Frons 0.5x width of an eye, subshining black, dulled by microsculpture,
frontal and interfrontal setulae less than 0.25x length of orbital seta. Orbital plates shining black. Lunule with
brownish ground colour, intensely covered in silver pollinosity as to a lesser extent are parafacials and face.
Anterior genal setulae in a single row of 5 along mouth margin, these slightly separated from the other setulae.
Antennae missing, Paratype has 1st flagellomere black apart from a hint of orange-brown at extreme medial base,
length to depth ratio 3.3:1. Arista long plumose, ratio of plumosity at maximum extent to depth of 1st flagellomere
Thorax: Mesonotum subshining blue black. Anepisternum with 2 anterior and 3 posterior setae. Katepisternum
with 2 setae near dorsal margin, posterior longer and stronger than anterior. Proepimeron and proepisternum each
with 1 seta. Scutellum with disc heavily grey dusted, on margin between lateral and apical setae with four setulae
on each side, none between apical setae. Calypteres white with white fringes. Wings clear, wing length 3.5 mm.
Legs entirely black, basal and second tarsomeres yellow/brown, apical segments darkened.Male terminalia (Figs. 5–6): epandrium and associated structures of the standard S. admirabilis group type.
Phallus: basal plate, in ventral view almost parallel sided, widest point before the apex, with two processes, these
rather rounded and swollen at their apices, separated by a deep, U-shaped incision. In lateral view basal plate
extending past the apex of the phallus, apices expanded and laterally flattened, resembling paddles. Basiphallus of
normal size, bearing a scattering of spicules ventrally.