Lonchaea pilifrons
Lonchaea pilifrons Hennig p382
Translated from the original German.
The species is distinguished by its long and thick pilosity, especially on head and thorax the pilosity is so long, dense and vigorous that the major setae hardly stand out from the pilosity. Frons with parallel side margins from the front ocellus to the upper margin of the lunule, hardly longer than wide. Between the ocellar bristles and the edge of the head a group of long bristles, the bristles hardly differ in size from the ocellar bristles. ors of each side of the eye a number of the end margin inwardly inclined long ori (lower front orbital bristles) the end-self-sustaining so that the look you are accustomed to find only on the calypters.
Antennae entirely black, flagellomere 2.75x as long as deep, Arista short pubescent. Genae narrow, about as wide as the antennal postpedicel. The entire face covered with moderately dense gray pollen as well as the genae dusted. Thorax and abdomen dark steel-blue, very easily which is attenuated incidentally corhanden on the end-to greenish spat Endem metal gloss. Calypterae yellow with equal length marginal hairs at the junction of the thorax and calypteres some longer dark bristles. Legs entirely black, no pale tarsi. Wing light grey hyaline with brownish veins.
Body length 6mm, wing length 5.5mm