Lonchaea bicercosa
Differential diagnosis; most similar in the Korean fauna to Lonchaea
gachilibong with which it shares rather similar male genitalia. Apart
fromthemain difference of the presence of 2 setae on the proepimeron
in L. gachilibong and only 1 in L. bicercosa the later species is further
distinguished by having entirely bare eyes and a longer 1st antennal
flagellomere (length depth ratio 1.4:1 in L. gachilibong). Further material
will help to establish to true relationship between these two
Description.Male:Head. Eyes bare. Frons collapsed due to drying out
after storage in alcohol. Orbital plate sub-shining black, bare apart from
the orbital seta. Lunulewith dark ground colour covered in a slight silver
pollinosity. Antennae black, 1st flagellomere with length to depth ratio
2.0:1, very obscure silver/orange area at inner base. Arista bare. Face and
parafacials covered with light grey-silver pollinosity. Anterior genal
setulae in a single row of 6 along mouth margin, none of these particularly
long or strong.
Thoracic disc shining blue-black, covered in rather long, dense
setulae which are approximately 75% as long as the orbital seta.
Katepisternum with one rather long, fine seta, numerous ling setulae
covering the remainder of the sclerite, the majority of these at least
75% as long as the seta but a few, lying just anterior to the seta are almost
as long as it. Anepisternum with a vertical row of four posterior
setae, anterior setae not distinguishable from the long setulae on the
sclerite. Proepimeron and proepisternum each with one long, strong
seta. Scutellum with disc greyish-black, on margin with 3 setulae on
each side between the lateral and apical setae, 2 between the apical
setae, all of these setulae relatively long, approximately half the length
of the scutellar setae. Calypteres white with a white fringe of uniform
length. Wings clear with yellow-brown veins, wing length 3.8 mm.
Legs black, basal tarsomere yellow, others becoming increasingly darkened
Male terminalia: (Figs. 6–9).
In lateral viewepandriumrather rectangularwith 4–5 strong setulae
along posterior margin, cerci relatively large, not heavily sclerotized,
bearing only relatively few, short setulae, surstylus projecting beyondhas a large posteriorly directed, setulose, rectangular process located
just ventral to at the base of the cerci, the emarginated ventral margin
of the surstylus is evident, the inner surface itself is almost bare apart
from 4 setae located near the base of the posterior process. Phallus,
two segmented, basiphallus a broad deep U-shape, distiphallus very
small and cuboidal.
Female; Aculeus with apical segment spear-like with an acute tip, 2
pale setulae, about half the length of the apical segment, ventrally at apex
the shell of the epandrium posteriorly as tow processes, the inner one
rather blunt and bearing setulae, the outer onemore pointed and slightly
serrate. In ventral viewthe ventral margin of the surstylus is serrated,
especially posteriorly and bears a uniform row of long, inwardly directed
stiff setulae, situated just below the cerci are two large square processes
which are setulose along their inner margins and bear a single
seta near the outer posterior corner. The inner surface of the surstylus