Lonchaea vanua
Lonchaea vanua is the smallest of the Lonchaea species known from Fiji, the hairing
on the arista is also the shortest of the four species. The male genitalia are distinct due to the row of long setulae
present on the inner surface of the surstyli.
Description. Male: Head. Eyes bare. Frons subshining black, dulled by microsculpture. Lunule covered in silver
pollinosity, face orange brown above mouth, orbital plates shining, bare apart from orbital seta. Antennae entirely
black , inner ventral surface of 1st flagellomere narrowly orange brown, 1st flagellomere 2.75x as long as deep, just
reaching to mouth margin, arista with short pubescence, at maximum 40% depth of 1st flagellomere. Anterior genal
setulae in a single row, basal setulae strong and seta-like.
Thorax: Thoracic dorsum and scutellum glittering black with slight bluish reflections. Thoracic sclerites
brightly polished. Anepisternum with two strong anterodorsal setae and two posterior, the remainder of the sclerite
covered in long but rather sparse black setulae. Katepisternum with one strong dorsocentral seta, anterior to this
approximately 6 short setulae, one posteriorly. Calypteres white with a white fringe. Wing length 2.8mm.
Abdomen shining brownish, slight bluish reflection on lateral margins.
Male terminalia: (Figs. 21–23). In lateral view epandrium 1.5x higher than wide, bearing setulae
posteroventrally; cerci small and square-shaped, bearing strong setulae along posterior margin, these slightly weaker ventrally. Surstyli projecting ventrally beyond shell of epandrium as a broad lobe, internal surface with
numerous setulae along outer margin, inner surface bare apart from a single row of 8 long setulae parallel to ventral
margin, these becoming longer posteriorly with the most posterior extending out beyond margin of epandrium.
Phallus slender and rather rectangular, with no setulae, obviously two segmented