Neosilba convexa
Diagnosis: Neosilba convexa belongs to the peltae group. According to McAlpine & Steyskal (1982), at least nine very similar species should exist in the group and it could be characterized by the shape of the aedeagus (short; the filament is not longer than section C), the breadth of the aedeagus in ventral view slightly widens at the junction of the filament with section C; shape of the epandrium (narrow in lateral view), the presence of the long setulae in the ventral margin of each surstylus and a fluting in the inner margin of the surstylus. According to our new species, the length of the filament could be slightly longer than the C‑shape. These characters could be used in order to separate similar species in the group. N. peltae differs by the breadth of the aedeagus in ventral view being similar along all its length, and shorter than section C. Apex just reaches the base of the epandrium, the filament is completely spiculated, the posterodorsal border of the epandrium rectangular and 7 setulae of ventral margin of the surstylus. N. concava differs by the junction of the filament and the C of the aedeagus is not clearly wider, filament spiculated just at the apex and base 17 setulae along ¾ apical in the margin of the surstylus, in three groups 7 distally, 4 spaced medial and 5 posterior and the posterodorsal border of the epandrium concave; N. mcalpiniei differs by the apex of the aedeagus being arrow-like shaped; N. parapeltae by the apex of the aedeagus crown-like shaped; N. ilehuense differs by the filament reaching beyond the base of the surstylus.
Description: Body length 3.12 mm long, 1.55 mm wide at pteropleura. Head: 1.66 mm wide, 1.40 mm high, 0.66 mm long; front 0.44 mm wide at lunule, 0.48 mm wide lower ocelar triangle; lunule with 8 setulae; postpedicel 0.70 mm long, 0.19 mm wide in lateral view; arista 0.769 mm long, longest setulae of the arista 0.064 mm long; subvibrissal area with more than 20 setulae. Thorax: 1.85 mm long, 1.55 mm wide at pteropleura; anepisternum with 4 anterodorsal and 5 posterior bristles; scutellum with 5 setulae between anterior and posterior bristle, without setulae before anterior bristle; fringes of calypteres with 8 brown setae; Wing 4.18 mm long, 1.85 mm wide, hyaline. Abdomen: 2.00 mm long. Male terminalia: 0.94 mm long, 0.23 mm wide; epandrium 0.60 mm long, 0.15 mm wide (3,91 times as long as broad) in lateral view, with a posteroventral setose lobe and posterodorsal border rounded; surstylus margined with 10 equal spaced setulae located sligthly beyond the apical half in ventral view and 6 prensisetae at each side in a nearly linear row; transverse gonopodite thinner in the internal apex, cylindrical-shaped paramere and with apical setulae; aedeagus short, the section C slightly longer than the filament, filament 0.15 mm long, 0.023 mm wide, slightly broad at the base in ventral view and reaches beyond the base of surstylus, spiculated at apex and base (the C spiculated also in its junction with the filament); cerci 0.139 mm long, 0.196 mm wide in ventral view, 0.092 mm wide in lateral view.