Dasiops plaumanni
Dasiops plaumanni is a large species of 6.00 mm long,closely related to D. plumatus (Hendel) and D. rectivena Hennig, but with paler wings, a much more shortly plumose arista, and with differences in ovipositor as indicated above. general coloration black In Colombia fit has been ound in crops of Pasiflora.
FEMALE. Large; body length, exclusive of ovipositor, about 6.0 mm. Eyes apparently bare, but under high magnification with relatively abundant, very short pubescence, each hair scarcely as long as the diameter of an ommatidium. Frons black; thinly greyish dusted;
relatively sparsely hairy; weakly shining especially along sides; sides slightly convergent anteriorly. Lunule broad; greyish pollinose, with numerous coarse setulae. Face and parafacials silvery pollinose. Parafacials fairly broad; at narrowest point, slightly wider than
distance between anterior and posterior ocelli. Cheek with 5, strong, closelyplaced, upwardlydirected, vibrissa-like bristles; without a weaker bristle above uppermost one. Third antennal segment fully twice as long as wide; uniformly brown. Second segment as in aithalodus.
Arista very shortly plumose, the total width of the plumosity at its widest point, scarcely half that of third antennal segment.
Mesothorax black with distinct steel-blue reflections; rather strongly shining. Mesonotum uniformly shortly haired, the hairs stout; none arising behind posterior acrosticals. Bristles strong; several weak dorsocentrals evident before the strong posterior one. Scutellum bare except for the 4 strong bristles; disc evenly arched and lightly dusted. Notopleuron with 2 bristles only. Two poststigmatals and a single stigmata1 present, uppermost 2 or 3 posterior mesopleural bristles extremely long, almost reaching to posterior margins of the fold of the
calyptrae. Sternopleuron with a single strong bristle and numerous setulae, the one immediately preceding the sternopleural bristle stronger than the others. Prosternum haired at the sides.
Legs entirely black; preapical dorsal tibial bristles scarcely distinguishable, except on the mid tibia. Wings pale-yellowish to naked eye, appearing whitish at base; anterior margin lightly fumose under transmitted light. Calyptrae entirely pale yellowish-white with concolorous
margins and fringes; with a cluster of long black hairs at their folds. Stem of haltere pale-brownish. Abdomen rather highly polished, with distinct pale-bluish reflections. First sternum without hairs; middle two-thirds highly polished. Oviscape short; from above, about one-third as
long as broad. Ovipositor very broad; resembling very much that of D. plumatus (Hendel); apical segment narrower, with straighter sides and a more acute point.
HOLOTYPE9, , N ova Teutonia, 27"11fS., 52"23'W., Brazil, 300-500 m., 5 Oct. 1957, Fritz Plaumann. Type no. 8481 in C.N.C.