Dasiops luzestelae
Female description
Head: the front is wider than higher (0.51-0.56 mm wide
and 0.42-0.54 mm high); slightly rugous in 2/3 of the ventral
(Figs. 1A and 2A), and somewhat depressed bellow the
ocellar triangle, with a short pocked depression on each
side at the same level of the lateral angles of the lunula
(uppermost part of parafaciae); sides slightly expanded between
eyes; reddish-brown orbits, no setulae in the orbital
plates. Lunula: brownish, wider than higher, protruded in
both sides and in the low ridge between them, with only
four slender marginal setulae. A facia with wide and tiny
carina at the middle dorsal. Parafaciae: moderately broad.
Antennal segment wider, straight but expanded below into
the genae. Genae slender, less than 1/4-1/5 of the eye height
and with only two vibrissal setae. Third antennal segment
ovoid; nearly two times as long as it is wide. Antennal arista
relatively long-pubescent and with basal third yellowish.
Eyes naked.
Thorax: mesonotum with the usual chaetotaxy, black with
dark-blue brightness; length 1.25-1.58 mm; presents 1 Pstg
setulae and 2 pp setulae. Anaepisternum with 3 setulae anterior
and 4 marginal posterior ane (dorsal, one longer than
others). Katepisternum with 1 ktpl. Prosternum without
setulae. Legs: two basal segments of tarsi, yellowish. Wings:
completely hyaline; vein CuP+1A enlarged ½ the distance
to wing posterior margin. Callypterae: whitish margins and
cilia; marginal cilia uniform in length and silky.
Post-abdomen: Seventh syntergosternite 0.37-0.45 mm
long. Eversible membrane with complete dorsal and ventral
taeniae, 0.41-0.53 mm in length. Aculeus, short, 0.61-0.67
mm (Fig. 1B); aculeus/mesonotum ratio 0.414-0.488; aculeus
length/width ratio 0.046-0.075; completely sclerotized,
expanded in its basis close to the eversible membrane; cerci
(0.11-0.158 mm in length) fused to aculeus; apex acute
(Figs. 1C and 2B).