Lonchaea korea (Classification and species information.)
Description : Male : Head : Eyes bare. Frons velvet black, narrowing gradually to a point two thirds of the way between the anterior ocellus and lunule margin, at its narrowest point 40% the width of an eye, with approximately twelve frontal setulae and numerous interfrontal setulae, all of these short, not more than one sixth the length of the orbital setae, some longer setulae present along the anterior margin. Orbital plate narrow, subshining back and without setulae. Lunule with six setulae, sparsely silvered as are the face and parafacials. Anterior genal setulae extending in a single row of four along the mouth margin, these set slightly apart from the other genal setulae but not noticeably longer or stronger than them. Antennal flagellomere entirelly black apart from a small orange spot basally on the inner surface, twice as long as it is broad. Arista entirelly black, pubescent, width on either side equivalent to the width of the arista.
Thorax : disc subshining black and covered in sparse dusting as are the pleurae, with appressed setulae which are no more than one third the length of the orbital setae. Notopleural depression bare apart from the two setae. Anepisternum with three strong anterior setae and four strong posterior setae. Katepisternum with two strong setae, the posterior of these only slightly longer and stronger than the anterior. One propleural and one slightly weaker stigmatical setae. Prosternum bare. Scutellum on margin with two setulae between the lateral and apical setae, two between the apical setae, these all relatively short. Squamae pale with golden margin and a pale fringe about four of the setulae in the middle of the fringe distinctly longer than the others. Wings slightly yellowish anteriorly. Wing length 5.0 mm. Intercostal space just less than twice the length of crossvein r-m. Legs all black but with a ventral fringe of golden setulae on the apical part of the anterior tibiae and on the basal and second tarsomeres of the anterior an posterior legs. Abdomen, first sternite bare.
Male genitalia ; Fig. 5; 1,2,3. In lateral view epandrium almost twice as high as it is wide, rather rectangular in shape, bearing three or four well spaced setulae and its posterior margin and with a fringe of long setulae along its ventral margin. Cerci also rather rectangular, less than half the height of the epandrium, not chitinised, bearing a few scattered setulae along the posterior margin and a denser fringe along the ventral margin. Surstyli extending ventrally from the shell of the epandrium and forming a posteroventral process reaching up to one third of the way up the cercus. In ventral view margin of surstyli with a slight excavation anteriorly. Two small broad, triangular processes present at the base of the cerci. Aedeagus a very simple, vase-like structure, basally swollen with a narrower apex.
Female : apical segment of the ovipositor long and narrow, dorsally bearing two long, pale setulae half way along, these 75% the length of the segment, ventrally just before apex with another pair half as long as the segment
TYPE MATERIAL : Holotype male. SOUTH KOREA; Gangwong-do, Jeong Seon-gun, 24.vi.2005, 900-1120m, Mt. Mindungsan, 37°16.2’N / 128°45.5’E, Merz, Han, Choi, Lee, Hwang & Sok leg. Forest meadow, 15.
Paratypes. 1 male with the same data as the holotype. Gangwong-do, Wonju Yonsei Univ. campus Maeji-ri, 240m, 22.vi.2005, 37°16’N / 127°54’E, leg. B. Merz, 13, dry and wet forest park behind student home, one male. Gangwong-do, Hoeng-seon-gun, 18.vi.2005, 900-1120m, Mt. Cheongtaesan, 37°30’N / 128°18’E, Merz, Han, Choi, Lee & Hwang leg., 9, Forest hilltop, one female. Gangwong-do, Wonju Yonsei Univ. campus, Maeji-ri, 240m, 25.vi.2005, 37°16’N / 127°54’E, leg. B. Merz, 13, wet forest behind student home, one female.