Lonchaea striatifrons
Lonchaea striatifrons Malloch.
Male: Glossy steel-blue, the abdomen paler than the thorax. Frons shining black, ocellar plate and upper orbits glossy blue; third antennal segment reddish at base below. Legs black, tarsi with the exception of the apical two or three segments reddish setaceous. Wings clear, yellow at bases. Calyptrae white, fringes concolorous. Halteres black. Frons less than twice as long as wide at anterior margin, not distinctly narrowed anteriorly, the surface of interfrontalia finely striate on upper half laterally orbits narrow, distinctly separated, from ocellar triangle posteriorly their surfaces microscopically diagonally striate anteriorly; hairs on frons short and sparse; third antennal segment three times as long as wide; cheek narrow, without dense hairs or strong bristles, Thorax as in polita Say. Basal abdominal sternite with some hairs on each side. Legs and wings as in polita. Fringes of calyptrae longer than usual, about six of the hairs at apex of the fold setulose and longer than the calyptrae.
Female; Frons at least one-third of the head-width and’ less than 1.5 as long as wide, not so distinctly striated as in male. Ovipositor as in L. polita Say.
Length 4-4.5 mm.
Type Male, allotype, and one male paratype, Santa Clara, Cal, (Baker); one male, San Diego, Cal. Larkins collection) ; one male, Palo Alto. Cal, August 3. Type in collection of University of California.