Priscoearomyia hermonensis
Head. Eye with sparse, very short, white hairs. Frons narrowing only slightly from level of ocellar triangle to level of antennal sockets, matte black; six to seven strong frontal setulae along eye margin on each side, these about one-third as long as orbital setae; about eight shorter interfrontal setulae present on central part of frons. Orbital plate bare and shining. Anterior genal setae in single row of 6–8 along mouth margin, these very strong although becoming slightly shorter anteriorly, half as long as lateral vertical seta. Lunule slightly covered with silver pollinosity. Antennal 1st flagellomere entirely black, slightly longer than deep, covered in tiny white setulae. Arista brownish at base, microscopically pubescent.
Thorax. Disc and pleura black, uniformly dulled by microtrichia. Notopleural depression bare. Five dorsocentral setae decreasing in size anteriorly. Anepisternum with no anterior setae, with three strong posterior setae. Katepisternum with two setae along dorsal margin, anterior seta slightly weaker than posterior, otherwise this sclerite bare. One propleural and one shorter stigmatical setae. Anepimeron bare. Calypteres pale yellow with pale margin. Scutellar disc dulled by microtrichia, bare apart from four long setae, apical pair approximately 1.75 times as long as scutellum. Wing. Clear with yellow veins. Wing length 3.0 mm. Legs entirely black. Abdomen. Subshining black, ventrally at apex of tergite 5 with 4-5 short, strong setulae.
Male terminalia (Figs. 7–9). In lateral view epandrium as high as deep, rather square in shape apart from anterodorsal excavation, posterior margin of epandrium bearing regular row of short setulae and with denser cluster of setulae at posteroventral angle. Cerci small and just protruding from shell of epandrium, with only few fine setulae. Surstylus just visible anteriorly on ventral margin as irregular process. In ventral view surstylus indented half way along ventral margin, margin itself irregularly serrated, bearing group of approximately six setulae just anterior to mid way point. Phallus in one piece, roughly U-shaped, basal portion straight and upright with flattened top; apical portion lying at slight angle to basal, uniformly wide tube with apex rather membranous.
female Similar to male but with wider frons and shorter setulae all over. female terminalia (Figs. 12–13). Cerci constricted on their basal half, dorsally with pair of long setulae situated on apical third, another pair half this length at apex, laterally with long pair, almost as long as long dorsal pair; situated at apex, two very short pairs anterior to these.