Neosilba laura

Diagnostic description: 

Head oval, wider than high, frons narrows toward lunule, with concave sides; 5 to 6 inter-frontal
setae above lunule not easily distinguished from other interfrontal setae, superior orbital bristles,
ocellar bristles and inner vertical bristles similar m size, outer vertical bristles smaller, 2 prominent
post-ocellar setae, lunule with 8 setae, 4 at each side. Antenna with a pubescent arista longer than
fust flagellomeie, 2 prominent setae at oral margin and 2 at the base of frontal suture.
Thorax: Anepisternum with a dorso-ventral row  of 5 prominent posterior bristles and a dorsoventral
row of 5 anterior-superior bristles Katepisternum with 2 prominent bristles and 2
prominent setae in front of the bristles. Episternum and epimeron with 1 prominent bristle
each. Scutellum with 5 marginal setae at each side and 2 apical-marginal setae; 4 prominent bristles,
2 apical-marginal and 2 lateral-basal. Wings: Sub-hyaline with brown-yellowish veins,
calypteres white with white fringes and a cluster of 8 to 9 dark brown setae at fold. Humeral and
costal breaks inconspicuous, curvature of vein R 4+ 5 similar to Daswps.Abdomen Fifth tergite triangular shaped
approximately 2.5X larger than others, with prominent apical bristles.
Male genitalia. Paramere hgulate with few hairs, inner margin more pilose (Fig. 24);
epandrium with long setae in posterior lobe (Fig. 25) Anterior ventral margin of surstylus
with long setae thinner than others and closely spaced, median ventral margin with shorter
setae and posterior ventral margin with short and thick setae (Fig. 24), a row of 6 prensisetae at
each side of surstylus; median ventral margin marked by a space with only one seta separating
the anterior group of setae from the posterior group. Aedeagus with homogeneous diameter
after the "C" shaped base, and ornamented with small spicules at the base, apex ending in a
smooth dorsal cuive.


Neosilba laura n. sp. this species was reared from fiuits of Fabaceae {D brasihensis and Inga sp.)
and Cannabaceae {Celtis igitanaea). This species is known to occur in the State of Sao Paulo in Itapetininga in a spot of preserved Atlantic forest
and Santa Catarina, the localities sampled present a subtropical climate.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith