On some arthropods associated with Ficus species (Moraceae) in the Maltese Islands

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:D. Mifsud, Falzon, A., Malumphy, C., Lillo, E., Vovlas, N., Porcelli, F.
Journal:Bulletin of the entomological Society of Malta

Material examined. MALTA:  Zejtun, 7 adults emerged between 8-12.vii.2011 from fruit of Ficus carica collected on 28.vi.2011, DM; Paola (Addolorata Cemetery), 6 adults emerged between 2-8.ix.2011 from fruit of F. carica collected on 21.viii.2011, AF. GOZO: Munxar, 37 adults emerged on 3-10.ix.2011 from fruit of Ficus carica collected on 20.viii.2011, AF & DM; Buskett, 12 adults emerged between 1-6.vii.2011 from fruit of F. carica collected on 8.vii.2011, DM.

Notes. Silba adipata (Fig. 50) is known from Spain (Mallorca), Italy, Montenegro, Greece, Cyprus, Canary Islands, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and South Africa (mACgoWAn & freidBerg, 2008). It is exclusively found on Ficus carica where its larvae feed on the tissue of the syconia just under the peel, destroying the fruit and causing unripe fruit to fall prematurely. As such the present mention of this species from Malta represents a new record for this country. However, Borg (1992) states that the "fig fly (Lonchaea aristella Beck) is frequently met with on our fig trees, particularly on trees growing near heaps of manure, close to the farmstead, ...”. Lonchaea aristella is a synonym of Silba virescens Macquart, 1851 although the fact that this was recorded from figs may be a good indication of a misidentification of S. adipata (MacGowan & Freidberg, 2008). sALiBA (1963), following Borg’s (1922) record, again mentioned Lonchaea aristella as occasionally found on figs.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith