Silba zopherosa

Diagnostic description: 

MALE. Large and robust; length 4.0 to 4.5 mm. Black, with wholly dark tarsi, wings and calyptrae.. Frons opaque, jet black, with subshining, black orbital plates; broadest ar lunule and narrowest just below orbital bristles; narrowest point about 0.83 times as wide as widest place (5.0 : 6.00); length at same scale 8.5. Lunule face and parefacials dull brownish-grey pollinose. Lunule with 4 setulae on each side. Vibrirsa not very much larger than other oral setulae; with 6 to 7 closely placed setulae above it. Antennae entirely black; third segment 2.66 times as long as wide (8.0 : 3.0). Arista yellowish-brown on basal fourth; long-plumose; plumes two-thirds as long as width of third antennal segment; and strongly bent forward on apical fourth; width of plumosity at widest place about 0.83 times as wide as third antennal segment (2.5 : 3.0). Mesonotum shining black; uniformly lightly dusted; hairs relatively short and depressed. Scutellum entirely pollinose with subshining, aeneous-brown pollen; each side with 6 to 8 setulae in several rows, and apex with 3 to 4 similar setulae between the strong bristles. Mesopleuron with 3 strong anterodorsal and 4 posterior bristles. Anterior sternopleural almost as strong as posterior one. Preapical dorsal tibia1 bristles relatively strong. Calyptrae greyish-brown with dark brown margins and fringes, the latter with several slightly longer hairs at the fold. Wings dark brown fumose, more so at middle of anterior margin than elsewhere; veins brown. Abdomen black; terga onc to four uniformly heavily, velvety-brown pollinose; tergum five strungly gIossy hlack in contrast to duller segments preceding it, and very lightly dusted on anterior half orily. Epandrium and surstylus in side view very similar to those of atratula. Sursrvlus with 1 relatively small teeth; anterior lobe setulose as in S. calva (Bezzi). Cerci excessively large; similar in shape to those of calva but larger; fully as long as epandrium. Aedeagus very much as in calva but spicules at apex much smaller and fewer in number.

FEMALE. Unknown.

TYPES Holotype, male , Lake Placid, nr. Cairns, N.Qld., Australia, 26 May 1958

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith